[Maya][Python] Get Reference Transforms?

Hi guys! :slight_smile:
I´m building a tool integrate maya references to reference system in our game.

I need to get the maya reference transfroms to apply to our reference system.

I found that with the getReferenceEdits() I can get the world transforms, but I get a nastly list :

 ['setAttr |balcony_avian_01:mesh.translate -type "double3" -10.856233 0 7.597423',
 'setAttr |balcony_avian_01:mesh.rotate -type "double3" 25.433341 -28.119516 18.401048',
 'setAttr |balcony_avian_01:mesh.scale -type "double3" 0.734496 0.734496 0.734496']

Anyone know a solution to get the transforms from a maya reference? or a way to extract the transforms from the code above?

Thanks :slight_smile: