Maya Python for Games and Film book

I saw a friend of mine with this book last week, he said it is a good resource and it just came out. Thought I’d share in case someone else might be interested in checking it out.

i am currently waiting at its arrival… i will share my thoughts with you when i got it.

So it’s finally out. Sweet!

It was supposed to be out last February according Amazon back then so I didn’t pre-order it and was hoping to pick it up at GDC, but it was delayed… So I’ll order it now then. Thanks for the heads up.

Hopefully one day there will be one for max …

Unfortunally no PyMel inside. :(:

I will give it a try anyway…

nice find. It’s good to see a book out by authors who are on this forum.

sublist, Chapter 5 has a bit of PyMel.

You can find chapter summaries and additional resources at the official site:

This link does not work for me :
I clicked on the introduction chapter link on the front page.

Edit: looks like the link in the right list works. Just the link in your first newspost is not working for me.

Congratz with the release of the book!

[QUOTE=sublist;12667]Unfortunally no PyMel inside. :(:

I will give it a try anyway…[/QUOTE]

The pymel chapter is pretty brief, but it’s there…

what does it say? Pymel is awesome, but that’s a whole nother book?

need to pick this up.

What is Maya Python?

Just picked this bad boy up. Gonna give it a read over the weekend.

Got this book as well yesterday, seems very nice from the first looks of it.
Will probably be a valuable resource in my journey towards python.
Thanks for sharing.

I love Rob’s recommendation

“If the mountain Moses climbed were programming for Autodesk Maya, surely the tablets he would have come down with would have looked something like Maya Python for Games and Film.”
