Hi all,
Anyone knows what dll maya uses when you write:
from maya.api import *
I am want to load it externally.
Hi all,
Anyone knows what dll maya uses when you write:
from maya.api import *
I am want to load it externally.
My guess would be it’s using the dlls in C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2009\bin and the wrappers in C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2009\Python\Lib\site-packages\maya. Does maya.standalone do what you’re looking for?
Thanks Seth. I guess it might. But do you know how to appropriately load these modules and assign it to a variable so I can use it like:
maya = imp.load…
I’m not a Maya user and I’ve only tried this with windows dlls, so salt.take(pinch).
Have a look at the ctypes module. It allows you to call functions from non-python dlls. If you’re also importing maya.api, you might be able to instantiate proper maya objects (vectors, geometry etc).
Hope that helps.
Thanks man, I will give that a try too (:
to load the maya python module you need to be running mayapy - you can’t load up the maya module via the standard cpython interpreter… i imagine this is by design.
I’ve managed to run it from Eclipse and IDLE, not sure how this is being used though, but I fired up a maya.standalone which create a batch version of Maya and then ran commands on a file. Maybe I misunderstood
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