[MAYA PYTHON API 1.0] Problem with Querying Specific UV Set

I am having an issue with one of my scripts, whereby my API calls to query the UV information are always retrieving data from the Base UV Set and not the Current UV Set. This issue doesn’t happen on every object - some objects work and some do not.

I’m basically setting the current UV Set to the UV set I want to operate on using the standard maya.cmds, but the API calls to get the UV Area are always returning data from the Base UV Set.

Here are some code snippets:

def nameToMDag(name):
    selectionList = om.MSelectionList()
    except RuntimeError as e:
        print 'RuntimeError: {0}'.format(e)
        return None
    path = om.MDagPath()
    selectionList.getDagPath(0, path)
    return path

def getTotalUvArea(mesh):
    mdag = rsApi.nameToMDag(mesh)
    if not mdag:
        return None
    pIter = om.MItMeshPolygon(mdag)
    areaParam = om.MScriptUtil()
    areaPtr = areaParam.asDoublePtr()
    totalArea = 0
    while not pIter.isDone():
        area = areaParam.getDouble(areaPtr)
        totalArea += area
    return totalArea

# this is a class function, omitted the rest.
    def getUVSpaceUtilizationRatio(self):
        uvSets = cmds.polyUVSet(self._shape, q=True, auv=True)
        if 'BakedLighting' in uvSets:
            cmds.polyUVSet(self._shape, uvs='BakedLighting', cuv=True)
            area = rsMod.getTotalUvArea(self._shape) # this sometimes returns the area of the Base UV Set, not the Current UV Set.
            if not area:
                return None
            u, v = cmds.polyEvaluate(self._shape, b2=True)
            bbArea = (u[1] - u[0]) * (v[1] - v[0])
                ratio = area / bbArea
            except ZeroDivisionError as e:
                ratio = None
            self._uvRatio = ratio
            return ratio

Can you specify the uv set in MItMeshPolygon.getUVArea(areaPtr, optional_UV_Set_parameter), instead of using cmds?

Yes, I stumbled across that this morning, everything is working now, thanks!