I have a tool, gui written on PySide. When I close Maya it causes crashes (60% of cases), if I used this tool. It’s definitely GUI problem, because i removed all scripts and left only UI. I tried to reproduce a bug, but seems like it happens randomly. May be there is the way to clean up PySide objects that store in Maya global scope before quit, or something else?
Hm, tried to set
setAttribute(QtCore.Qt.WA_DeleteOnClose, True)
less crashes but still cause
Are you setting the parent to the maya main window?
I can’t say i’ve had this issue, but setting the parent may help.
If parenting the window to Maya doesn’t work, or you want it to remain unattached, try adding a scriptjob that fires on the quitApplication event that closes your UI.
I have noticed Maya crashing when Maya shuts down quite a bit. I thought it was odd but never investigated it. But from what you described, it could very well be because of our PySide GUIs…
>> Are you setting the parent to the maya main window?
yes, i use parenting to Maya main window
I finally located a problem. it was not related on my tool )), some interface parts were loaded before and they cause the problem. Thanks for suggestions.