Maya PyQt help

I recently found this script in Creative Crash,to run this script i need PyQt and SIP,but i do no how install correct PyQt and SIP.I’m using maya 2013 x64.
So i need help to install correct version.

3D Rigger Artist you can find pyqt here and you need to put it in program files/autodesk/maya 2013/python/lib/site packages/

Thank you for the PyQt link.

wat is SIP? How to install it?

sip is a wrapper (binds c and c++ libraries to python), you just have to put the file next to the pyqt4 folder and it should work, most of the time needed for loading qt files in maya while pyqt itself handles the code within the ui (or thats what i think it is :slight_smile: )

I Unzipped python file nd copied to /autodesk/maya 2013/python/lib/site packages/. After source the script to maya i still getting same error (you need install PyQt). I do no wat i’m missing.

did you open maya before or after placing the files? because maya needs to load them on startup.
after that open script editor, and opena python tab and try this line:
import PyQt4
import sip

if it breaks on these then there might be a problem with the pyqt files or they are not loaded correctly
otherwise there is a problem with the script from creative crash

@peerke88 Thanks :slight_smile: now PyQt works fine. But i have one more question how add hotkey to python script in maya.
i tried with marking menu but i’m getting error.(Syntax error).