[Maya] pyFootPrintNode.py example, howto source?

hey guys.

Why do I get:

# Error: 'module' object has no attribute 'footPrint'
# Traceback (most recent call last):
#   File "<maya console>", line 8, in <module>
# AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'footPrint' # 

when I:

import maya.cmds as cmds
    cmds.unloadPlugin( "footPrint.py")
maya.cmds.loadPlugin(r"C:\pathToCustomFootPrintFile\footPrint.py") #somewhere in my custom plugins folder cause in our company we overwritten the original path with sourcetree svn client.


#footprint.py #on above path:

# ===========================================================================
# Copyright 2014 Autodesk, Inc. All rights reserved.
# Use of this software is subject to the terms of the Autodesk license
# agreement provided at the time of installation or download, or which
# otherwise accompanies this software in either electronic or hard copy form.
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import sys
import maya.api.OpenMaya as om
import maya.api.OpenMayaUI as omui
import maya.api.OpenMayaAnim as oma
import maya.api.OpenMayaRender as omr

def maya_useNewAPI():
	The presence of this function tells Maya that the plugin produces, and
	expects to be passed, objects created using the Maya Python API 2.0.

def matrixAsArray(matrix):
	array = []
	for i in range(16):
	return array


## Foot Data
sole = [ [  0.00, 0.0, -0.70 ],
				 [  0.04, 0.0, -0.69 ],
				 [  0.09, 0.0, -0.65 ],
				 [  0.13, 0.0, -0.61 ],
				 [  0.16, 0.0, -0.54 ],
				 [  0.17, 0.0, -0.46 ],
				 [  0.17, 0.0, -0.35 ],
				 [  0.16, 0.0, -0.25 ],
				 [  0.15, 0.0, -0.14 ],
				 [  0.13, 0.0,  0.00 ],
				 [  0.00, 0.0,  0.00 ],
				 [ -0.13, 0.0,  0.00 ],
				 [ -0.15, 0.0, -0.14 ],
				 [ -0.16, 0.0, -0.25 ],
				 [ -0.17, 0.0, -0.35 ],
				 [ -0.17, 0.0, -0.46 ],
				 [ -0.16, 0.0, -0.54 ],
				 [ -0.13, 0.0, -0.61 ],
				 [ -0.09, 0.0, -0.65 ],
				 [ -0.04, 0.0, -0.69 ],
				 [ -0.00, 0.0, -0.70 ] ]
heel = [ [  0.00, 0.0,  0.06 ],
				 [  0.13, 0.0,  0.06 ],
				 [  0.14, 0.0,  0.15 ],
				 [  0.14, 0.0,  0.21 ],
				 [  0.13, 0.0,  0.25 ],
				 [  0.11, 0.0,  0.28 ],
				 [  0.09, 0.0,  0.29 ],
				 [  0.04, 0.0,  0.30 ],
				 [  0.00, 0.0,  0.30 ],
				 [ -0.04, 0.0,  0.30 ],
				 [ -0.09, 0.0,  0.29 ],
				 [ -0.11, 0.0,  0.28 ],
				 [ -0.13, 0.0,  0.25 ],
				 [ -0.14, 0.0,  0.21 ],
				 [ -0.14, 0.0,  0.15 ],
				 [ -0.13, 0.0,  0.06 ],
				 [ -0.00, 0.0,  0.06 ] ]
soleCount = 21
heelCount = 17

## Node implementation with standard viewport draw
class footPrint(omui.MPxLocatorNode):
	id = om.MTypeId( 0x80007 )
	drawDbClassification = "drawdb/geometry/footPrint"
	drawRegistrantId = "FootprintNodePlugin"

	size = None	## The size of the foot

	def creator():
		return footPrint()

	def initialize():

		unitFn = om.MFnUnitAttribute()
		footPrint.size = unitFn.create( "size", "sz", om.MFnUnitAttribute.kDistance )
		unitFn.default = om.MDistance(1.0)
		om.MPxNode.addAttribute( footPrint.size )

	def __init__(self):
	def compute(self, plug, data):
		return None

	def draw(self, view, path, style, status):
		## Get the size
		thisNode = self.thisMObject()
		plug = om.MPlug( thisNode, footPrint.size )
		sizeVal = plug.asMDistance()
		multiplier = sizeVal.asCentimeters()

		global sole, soleCount
		global heel, heelCount


		## drawing in VP1 views will be done using V1 Python APIs:
		import maya.OpenMayaRender as v1omr
		glRenderer = v1omr.MHardwareRenderer.theRenderer()
		glFT = glRenderer.glFunctionTable()

		if ( style == omui.M3dView.kFlatShaded ) or ( style == omui.M3dView.kGouraudShaded ):
			## Push the color settings
			glFT.glPushAttrib( v1omr.MGL_CURRENT_BIT )

			# Show both faces
			glFT.glDisable( v1omr.MGL_CULL_FACE )

			if status == omui.M3dView.kActive:
				view.setDrawColor( 13, omui.M3dView.kActiveColors )
				view.setDrawColor( 13, omui.M3dView.kDormantColors )

			glFT.glBegin( v1omr.MGL_TRIANGLE_FAN )
			for i in range(soleCount-1):
				glFT.glVertex3f( sole[i][0] * multiplier, sole[i][1] * multiplier, sole[i][2] * multiplier )

			glFT.glBegin( v1omr.MGL_TRIANGLE_FAN )
			for i in range(heelCount-1):
				glFT.glVertex3f( heel[i][0] * multiplier, heel[i][1] * multiplier, heel[i][2] * multiplier )


		## Draw the outline of the foot
		glFT.glBegin( v1omr.MGL_LINES )
		for i in range(soleCount-1):
			glFT.glVertex3f( sole[i][0] * multiplier, sole[i][1] * multiplier, sole[i][2] * multiplier )
			glFT.glVertex3f( sole[i+1][0] * multiplier, sole[i+1][1] * multiplier, sole[i+1][2] * multiplier )

		for i in range(heelCount-1):
			glFT.glVertex3f( heel[i][0] * multiplier, heel[i][1] * multiplier, heel[i][2] * multiplier )
			glFT.glVertex3f( heel[i+1][0] * multiplier, heel[i+1][1] * multiplier, heel[i+1][2] * multiplier )


		## Draw the name of the footPrint
		view.setDrawColor( om.MColor( (0.1, 0.8, 0.8, 1.0) ) )
		view.drawText( "Footprint", om.MPoint( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ), omui.M3dView.kCenter )

	def isBounded(self):
		return True

	def boundingBox(self):
		## Get the size
		thisNode = self.thisMObject()
		plug = om.MPlug( thisNode, footPrint.size )
		sizeVal = plug.asMDistance()
		multiplier = sizeVal.asCentimeters()

		corner1 = om.MPoint( -0.17, 0.0, -0.7 )
		corner2 = om.MPoint( 0.17, 0.0, 0.3 )

		corner1 *= multiplier
		corner2 *= multiplier

		return om.MBoundingBox( corner1, corner1 )

## Viewport 2.0 override implementation
class footPrintData(om.MUserData):
	def __init__(self):
		om.MUserData.__init__(self, False) ## don't delete after draw

		self.fColor = om.MColor()
		self.fSoleLineList = om.MPointArray()
		self.fSoleTriangleList = om.MPointArray()
		self.fHeelLineList = om.MPointArray()
		self.fHeelTriangleList = om.MPointArray()

class footPrintDrawOverride(omr.MPxDrawOverride):
	def creator(obj):
		return footPrintDrawOverride(obj)

	def draw(context, data):

	def __init__(self, obj):
		omr.MPxDrawOverride.__init__(self, obj, footPrintDrawOverride.draw)

		## We want to perform custom bounding box drawing
		## so return True so that the internal rendering code
		## will not draw it for us.
		self.mCustomBoxDraw = True
		self.mCurrentBoundingBox = om.MBoundingBox()

	def supportedDrawAPIs(self):
		## this plugin supports both GL and DX
		return omr.MRenderer.kOpenGL | omr.MRenderer.kDirectX11

	def isBounded(self, objPath, cameraPath):
		return True

	def boundingBox(self, objPath, cameraPath):
		corner1 = om.MPoint( -0.17, 0.0, -0.7 )
		corner2 = om.MPoint( 0.17, 0.0, 0.3 )

		multiplier = self.getMultiplier(objPath)
		corner1 *= multiplier
		corner2 *= multiplier

		self.mCurrentBoundingBox.expand( corner1 )
		self.mCurrentBoundingBox.expand( corner2 )

		return self.mCurrentBoundingBox

	def disableInternalBoundingBoxDraw(self):
		return self.mCustomBoxDraw

	def prepareForDraw(self, objPath, cameraPath, frameContext, oldData):
		## Retrieve data cache (create if does not exist)
		data = oldData
		if not isinstance(data, footPrintData):
			data = footPrintData()

		## compute data and cache it
		global soleCount, sole
		global heelCount, heel

		fMultiplier = self.getMultiplier(objPath)

		for i in range(soleCount):
		    data.fSoleLineList.append( om.MPoint(sole[i][0] * fMultiplier, sole[i][1] * fMultiplier, sole[i][2] * fMultiplier) )

		for i in range(heelCount):
		    data.fHeelLineList.append( om.MPoint(heel[i][0] * fMultiplier, heel[i][1] * fMultiplier, heel[i][2] * fMultiplier) )

		for i in range(1,soleCount-1):
			data.fSoleTriangleList.append( om.MPoint(sole[0][0] * fMultiplier, sole[0][1] * fMultiplier, sole[0][2] * fMultiplier) )
			data.fSoleTriangleList.append( om.MPoint(sole[i][0] * fMultiplier, sole[i][1] * fMultiplier, sole[i][2] * fMultiplier) )
			data.fSoleTriangleList.append( om.MPoint(sole[i+1][0] * fMultiplier, sole[i+1][1] * fMultiplier, sole[i+1][2] * fMultiplier) )

		for i in range(1,heelCount-1):
			data.fHeelTriangleList.append( om.MPoint(heel[0][0] * fMultiplier, heel[0][1] * fMultiplier, heel[0][2] * fMultiplier) )
			data.fHeelTriangleList.append( om.MPoint(heel[i][0] * fMultiplier, heel[i][1] * fMultiplier, heel[i][2] * fMultiplier) )
			data.fHeelTriangleList.append( om.MPoint(heel[i+1][0] * fMultiplier, heel[i+1][1] * fMultiplier, heel[i+1][2] * fMultiplier) )

		data.fColor = omr.MGeometryUtilities.wireframeColor(objPath)

		return data

	def hasUIDrawables(self):
		return True

	def addUIDrawables(self, objPath, drawManager, frameContext, data):
		locatordata = data
		if not isinstance(locatordata, footPrintData):

		##Draw the foot print solid/wireframe
		drawManager.setColor( locatordata.fColor )

		if (frameContext.getDisplayStyle() & omr.MFrameContext.kGouraudShaded):
			drawManager.mesh(omr.MGeometry.kTriangles, locatordata.fSoleTriangleList)
			drawManager.mesh(omr.MGeometry.kTriangles, locatordata.fHeelTriangleList)
		drawManager.mesh(omr.MUIDrawManager.kClosedLine, locatordata.fSoleLineList)
		drawManager.mesh(omr.MUIDrawManager.kClosedLine, locatordata.fHeelLineList)

		## Draw a text "Foot"
		pos = om.MPoint( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 )  ## Position of the text
		textColor = om.MColor( (0.1, 0.8, 0.8, 1.0) )  ## Text color

		drawManager.setColor( textColor )
		drawManager.setFontSize( omr.MUIDrawManager.kSmallFontSize )
		drawManager.text(pos, "Footprint", omr.MUIDrawManager.kCenter )


	def getMultiplier(self, objPath):
		## Retrieve value of the size attribute from the node
		footprintNode = objPath.node()
		plug = om.MPlug(footprintNode, footPrint.size)
		if not plug.isNull:
			sizeVal = plug.asMDistance()
			return sizeVal.asCentimeters()

		return 1.0

def initializePlugin(obj):
	plugin = om.MFnPlugin(obj, "Autodesk", "3.0", "Any")

		plugin.registerNode("footPrint", footPrint.id, footPrint.creator, footPrint.initialize, om.MPxNode.kLocatorNode, footPrint.drawDbClassification)
		sys.stderr.write("Failed to register node

		omr.MDrawRegistry.registerDrawOverrideCreator(footPrint.drawDbClassification, footPrint.drawRegistrantId, footPrintDrawOverride.creator)
		sys.stderr.write("Failed to register override

def uninitializePlugin(obj):
	plugin = om.MFnPlugin(obj)

		sys.stderr.write("Failed to deregister node

		omr.MDrawRegistry.deregisterDrawOverrideCreator(footPrint.drawDbClassification, footPrint.drawRegistrantId)
		sys.stderr.write("Failed to deregister override

anyone any idea why he raises AttributeError?
I’m not so API fit, but a print iniside the initialize function is successful, not sure where he get’s stuck.

The AttributeError is pointing out that the maya.cmds module does not have an attribute called “footPrint”. This is because you are not creating a command plugin, you are creating a node plugin. Use cmds.createNode(‘footPrint’) to create your custom locator node.

damnit, of course. thanks so much!

Hey Bastian,

Did this work out for you? Did the node show up in both Legacy viewport and Viewport 2.0?

I’m trying to get the exact same thing working on a simpler locator and I’m having trouble getting it to render in VP 2.0 (Maya 2015 / 2016 here)
