hey guys.
Why do I get:
# Error: 'module' object has no attribute 'footPrint'
# Traceback (most recent call last):
# File "<maya console>", line 8, in <module>
# AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'footPrint' #
when I:
import maya.cmds as cmds
cmds.unloadPlugin( "footPrint.py")
maya.cmds.loadPlugin(r"C:\pathToCustomFootPrintFile\footPrint.py") #somewhere in my custom plugins folder cause in our company we overwritten the original path with sourcetree svn client.
#footprint.py #on above path:
# ===========================================================================
# Copyright 2014 Autodesk, Inc. All rights reserved.
# Use of this software is subject to the terms of the Autodesk license
# agreement provided at the time of installation or download, or which
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import sys
import maya.api.OpenMaya as om
import maya.api.OpenMayaUI as omui
import maya.api.OpenMayaAnim as oma
import maya.api.OpenMayaRender as omr
def maya_useNewAPI():
The presence of this function tells Maya that the plugin produces, and
expects to be passed, objects created using the Maya Python API 2.0.
def matrixAsArray(matrix):
array = []
for i in range(16):
return array
## Foot Data
sole = [ [ 0.00, 0.0, -0.70 ],
[ 0.04, 0.0, -0.69 ],
[ 0.09, 0.0, -0.65 ],
[ 0.13, 0.0, -0.61 ],
[ 0.16, 0.0, -0.54 ],
[ 0.17, 0.0, -0.46 ],
[ 0.17, 0.0, -0.35 ],
[ 0.16, 0.0, -0.25 ],
[ 0.15, 0.0, -0.14 ],
[ 0.13, 0.0, 0.00 ],
[ 0.00, 0.0, 0.00 ],
[ -0.13, 0.0, 0.00 ],
[ -0.15, 0.0, -0.14 ],
[ -0.16, 0.0, -0.25 ],
[ -0.17, 0.0, -0.35 ],
[ -0.17, 0.0, -0.46 ],
[ -0.16, 0.0, -0.54 ],
[ -0.13, 0.0, -0.61 ],
[ -0.09, 0.0, -0.65 ],
[ -0.04, 0.0, -0.69 ],
[ -0.00, 0.0, -0.70 ] ]
heel = [ [ 0.00, 0.0, 0.06 ],
[ 0.13, 0.0, 0.06 ],
[ 0.14, 0.0, 0.15 ],
[ 0.14, 0.0, 0.21 ],
[ 0.13, 0.0, 0.25 ],
[ 0.11, 0.0, 0.28 ],
[ 0.09, 0.0, 0.29 ],
[ 0.04, 0.0, 0.30 ],
[ 0.00, 0.0, 0.30 ],
[ -0.04, 0.0, 0.30 ],
[ -0.09, 0.0, 0.29 ],
[ -0.11, 0.0, 0.28 ],
[ -0.13, 0.0, 0.25 ],
[ -0.14, 0.0, 0.21 ],
[ -0.14, 0.0, 0.15 ],
[ -0.13, 0.0, 0.06 ],
[ -0.00, 0.0, 0.06 ] ]
soleCount = 21
heelCount = 17
## Node implementation with standard viewport draw
class footPrint(omui.MPxLocatorNode):
id = om.MTypeId( 0x80007 )
drawDbClassification = "drawdb/geometry/footPrint"
drawRegistrantId = "FootprintNodePlugin"
size = None ## The size of the foot
def creator():
return footPrint()
def initialize():
unitFn = om.MFnUnitAttribute()
footPrint.size = unitFn.create( "size", "sz", om.MFnUnitAttribute.kDistance )
unitFn.default = om.MDistance(1.0)
om.MPxNode.addAttribute( footPrint.size )
def __init__(self):
def compute(self, plug, data):
return None
def draw(self, view, path, style, status):
## Get the size
thisNode = self.thisMObject()
plug = om.MPlug( thisNode, footPrint.size )
sizeVal = plug.asMDistance()
multiplier = sizeVal.asCentimeters()
global sole, soleCount
global heel, heelCount
## drawing in VP1 views will be done using V1 Python APIs:
import maya.OpenMayaRender as v1omr
glRenderer = v1omr.MHardwareRenderer.theRenderer()
glFT = glRenderer.glFunctionTable()
if ( style == omui.M3dView.kFlatShaded ) or ( style == omui.M3dView.kGouraudShaded ):
## Push the color settings
glFT.glPushAttrib( v1omr.MGL_CURRENT_BIT )
# Show both faces
glFT.glDisable( v1omr.MGL_CULL_FACE )
if status == omui.M3dView.kActive:
view.setDrawColor( 13, omui.M3dView.kActiveColors )
view.setDrawColor( 13, omui.M3dView.kDormantColors )
glFT.glBegin( v1omr.MGL_TRIANGLE_FAN )
for i in range(soleCount-1):
glFT.glVertex3f( sole[i][0] * multiplier, sole[i][1] * multiplier, sole[i][2] * multiplier )
glFT.glBegin( v1omr.MGL_TRIANGLE_FAN )
for i in range(heelCount-1):
glFT.glVertex3f( heel[i][0] * multiplier, heel[i][1] * multiplier, heel[i][2] * multiplier )
## Draw the outline of the foot
glFT.glBegin( v1omr.MGL_LINES )
for i in range(soleCount-1):
glFT.glVertex3f( sole[i][0] * multiplier, sole[i][1] * multiplier, sole[i][2] * multiplier )
glFT.glVertex3f( sole[i+1][0] * multiplier, sole[i+1][1] * multiplier, sole[i+1][2] * multiplier )
for i in range(heelCount-1):
glFT.glVertex3f( heel[i][0] * multiplier, heel[i][1] * multiplier, heel[i][2] * multiplier )
glFT.glVertex3f( heel[i+1][0] * multiplier, heel[i+1][1] * multiplier, heel[i+1][2] * multiplier )
## Draw the name of the footPrint
view.setDrawColor( om.MColor( (0.1, 0.8, 0.8, 1.0) ) )
view.drawText( "Footprint", om.MPoint( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ), omui.M3dView.kCenter )
def isBounded(self):
return True
def boundingBox(self):
## Get the size
thisNode = self.thisMObject()
plug = om.MPlug( thisNode, footPrint.size )
sizeVal = plug.asMDistance()
multiplier = sizeVal.asCentimeters()
corner1 = om.MPoint( -0.17, 0.0, -0.7 )
corner2 = om.MPoint( 0.17, 0.0, 0.3 )
corner1 *= multiplier
corner2 *= multiplier
return om.MBoundingBox( corner1, corner1 )
## Viewport 2.0 override implementation
class footPrintData(om.MUserData):
def __init__(self):
om.MUserData.__init__(self, False) ## don't delete after draw
self.fColor = om.MColor()
self.fSoleLineList = om.MPointArray()
self.fSoleTriangleList = om.MPointArray()
self.fHeelLineList = om.MPointArray()
self.fHeelTriangleList = om.MPointArray()
class footPrintDrawOverride(omr.MPxDrawOverride):
def creator(obj):
return footPrintDrawOverride(obj)
def draw(context, data):
def __init__(self, obj):
omr.MPxDrawOverride.__init__(self, obj, footPrintDrawOverride.draw)
## We want to perform custom bounding box drawing
## so return True so that the internal rendering code
## will not draw it for us.
self.mCustomBoxDraw = True
self.mCurrentBoundingBox = om.MBoundingBox()
def supportedDrawAPIs(self):
## this plugin supports both GL and DX
return omr.MRenderer.kOpenGL | omr.MRenderer.kDirectX11
def isBounded(self, objPath, cameraPath):
return True
def boundingBox(self, objPath, cameraPath):
corner1 = om.MPoint( -0.17, 0.0, -0.7 )
corner2 = om.MPoint( 0.17, 0.0, 0.3 )
multiplier = self.getMultiplier(objPath)
corner1 *= multiplier
corner2 *= multiplier
self.mCurrentBoundingBox.expand( corner1 )
self.mCurrentBoundingBox.expand( corner2 )
return self.mCurrentBoundingBox
def disableInternalBoundingBoxDraw(self):
return self.mCustomBoxDraw
def prepareForDraw(self, objPath, cameraPath, frameContext, oldData):
## Retrieve data cache (create if does not exist)
data = oldData
if not isinstance(data, footPrintData):
data = footPrintData()
## compute data and cache it
global soleCount, sole
global heelCount, heel
fMultiplier = self.getMultiplier(objPath)
for i in range(soleCount):
data.fSoleLineList.append( om.MPoint(sole[i][0] * fMultiplier, sole[i][1] * fMultiplier, sole[i][2] * fMultiplier) )
for i in range(heelCount):
data.fHeelLineList.append( om.MPoint(heel[i][0] * fMultiplier, heel[i][1] * fMultiplier, heel[i][2] * fMultiplier) )
for i in range(1,soleCount-1):
data.fSoleTriangleList.append( om.MPoint(sole[0][0] * fMultiplier, sole[0][1] * fMultiplier, sole[0][2] * fMultiplier) )
data.fSoleTriangleList.append( om.MPoint(sole[i][0] * fMultiplier, sole[i][1] * fMultiplier, sole[i][2] * fMultiplier) )
data.fSoleTriangleList.append( om.MPoint(sole[i+1][0] * fMultiplier, sole[i+1][1] * fMultiplier, sole[i+1][2] * fMultiplier) )
for i in range(1,heelCount-1):
data.fHeelTriangleList.append( om.MPoint(heel[0][0] * fMultiplier, heel[0][1] * fMultiplier, heel[0][2] * fMultiplier) )
data.fHeelTriangleList.append( om.MPoint(heel[i][0] * fMultiplier, heel[i][1] * fMultiplier, heel[i][2] * fMultiplier) )
data.fHeelTriangleList.append( om.MPoint(heel[i+1][0] * fMultiplier, heel[i+1][1] * fMultiplier, heel[i+1][2] * fMultiplier) )
data.fColor = omr.MGeometryUtilities.wireframeColor(objPath)
return data
def hasUIDrawables(self):
return True
def addUIDrawables(self, objPath, drawManager, frameContext, data):
locatordata = data
if not isinstance(locatordata, footPrintData):
##Draw the foot print solid/wireframe
drawManager.setColor( locatordata.fColor )
if (frameContext.getDisplayStyle() & omr.MFrameContext.kGouraudShaded):
drawManager.mesh(omr.MGeometry.kTriangles, locatordata.fSoleTriangleList)
drawManager.mesh(omr.MGeometry.kTriangles, locatordata.fHeelTriangleList)
drawManager.mesh(omr.MUIDrawManager.kClosedLine, locatordata.fSoleLineList)
drawManager.mesh(omr.MUIDrawManager.kClosedLine, locatordata.fHeelLineList)
## Draw a text "Foot"
pos = om.MPoint( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ) ## Position of the text
textColor = om.MColor( (0.1, 0.8, 0.8, 1.0) ) ## Text color
drawManager.setColor( textColor )
drawManager.setFontSize( omr.MUIDrawManager.kSmallFontSize )
drawManager.text(pos, "Footprint", omr.MUIDrawManager.kCenter )
def getMultiplier(self, objPath):
## Retrieve value of the size attribute from the node
footprintNode = objPath.node()
plug = om.MPlug(footprintNode, footPrint.size)
if not plug.isNull:
sizeVal = plug.asMDistance()
return sizeVal.asCentimeters()
return 1.0
def initializePlugin(obj):
plugin = om.MFnPlugin(obj, "Autodesk", "3.0", "Any")
plugin.registerNode("footPrint", footPrint.id, footPrint.creator, footPrint.initialize, om.MPxNode.kLocatorNode, footPrint.drawDbClassification)
sys.stderr.write("Failed to register node
omr.MDrawRegistry.registerDrawOverrideCreator(footPrint.drawDbClassification, footPrint.drawRegistrantId, footPrintDrawOverride.creator)
sys.stderr.write("Failed to register override
def uninitializePlugin(obj):
plugin = om.MFnPlugin(obj)
sys.stderr.write("Failed to deregister node
omr.MDrawRegistry.deregisterDrawOverrideCreator(footPrint.drawDbClassification, footPrint.drawRegistrantId)
sys.stderr.write("Failed to deregister override
anyone any idea why he raises AttributeError?
I’m not so API fit, but a print iniside the initialize function is successful, not sure where he get’s stuck.