Hi everyone ,
today I am here to share the last two nodes I made for Maya.
MG_splinePath :
This nodes let s you attach an array of transforms to a nurbsCurve and then slide those transforms along the curve , while keeping a robust and solid orientation.
Here is a demo about the node :
MG_vectorGL :
here is another plug-in node I developed mean while working on my MG_splinePath node.
This node is a debug node , what I mean by that is it s not meant to be used for rigging and so on , there is no use for it . What is node is used for is for debugging custom maya nodes.
This nodes lets you paint in maya viewport an array of Vectors , making the debugging of the math in the node easier.
demo here :
There is no source code available yet , currently my website is being updated and I am also organizing all my code and building a public git hub repository .
So stay tuned and check my blog (http://www.marcogiordanotd.com/blog/) to know when I will release all the source codes of my nodes.
C&C really appreciated