Hi all,
Currently i’m writing a mel script for maya playback controls. I almost done everything and it working good, but when i click the playforward button the function is working gud but the icon dose not change to (stopicon), same thing happens to palybackward. So any idea how to write in mel .
Screen snap form my script
missing a lot of information but going on what i understand what you are saying:
when pressing play forward or backward the icon need to change,
when a button is pressed edit that button to change to the correct icon and then compute the rest of the script.
this will involve a couple of if checks as you need to check if the play forward or backward also has that icon in place at that time or not which then needs to be changed back
Thanks peerke its clear now. I need to add “if” statement for both play forward and backward.
I’m going try tat.
Hi sabarishwar, can you upload a screenshot of your script? i want to see it.