I’m attempting to paint attributes using Maya’s Fur tool and it seems to me that the quality of the map is tied to the U and V samples as set on the FurFeedbackShape node.
For instance, if I have 32x32 samples and a map of 1024, the map it generates when I hit render is 1024 pixels, but looks as though it is a 32x32 image stretched to 1024. This creates a low quality map that does not have the quality I need.
So what if I ramp up the samples? Well, I’m using 128x128 now and that seems to be working ok, still I’d like more quality, but going anything over that causes tremendous slow down, as this is what controls how many fur strands you see in the viewport.
Am I missing something here?
My work around has been to paint the maps using 3D Paint Tool and then map those into the Fur Details attributes. This is hardly intuitive.
Anyone able to shed light on the subject?