Maya Outliner - add RMB menu item

Any of you had experience extending the Maya outliner to add RMB menu items to custom DAG nodes? Is it even possible?

Assets let you do this

Is there a way to do it without using assets?

If memory serves me right most of that smarts is in the dagMenuProc.mel file (it’s been a while since I was in that area). You should be able to add entries for objects in there but a forewarning it can get a little messy :slight_smile:

[QUOTE=smcclelland;10087]If memory serves me right most of that smarts is in the dagMenuProc.mel file (it’s been a while since I was in that area). You should be able to add entries for objects in there but a forewarning it can get a little messy :)[/QUOTE]

It’s not that bad. I figure it out after a while. :stuck_out_tongue:

Haven’t used it for the RMB for the outliner though… but a lot for RMB in the viewports.