I have a pretty standard FK/IK setup on arms and legs with connections from utility nodes to drive control curve visibility.
If I open any rig file in Maya, it will by default be showing both FK and IK control curves, even though the FK controls are correctly getting a value of 0 input into their visibility. If I toggle my FK/IK switch from IK -> FK -> IK it will then correctly display only the IK. Also, if I just select any of the FK curves, the node will evaluate itself, causing it to realize it actually should be off and then will toggle off. It’s like Maya isn’t correctly evaluating visibilities when I first load it up, though.
This occurs on the same file even if I save it when it looks correct and re-open. I also get this opening other’s files, and conversely they do not get this when they open my file. It’s as if I have some whacky setting on in Maya. I had this issue once before a long time ago and managed a way to fix, but my memory is failing me as to the fix, and google isn’t turning up much.
Anyone have an idea?