[Maya] MMeshIntersector and threading

Hi all,

Does anyone know of an example of getting an MMeshIntersector to work in a threaded node, I’m getting repeated crashes with it.

I’ve tried creating an intersector and sending it to the thread with the taskData.
Creating the intersector in the thread by sending an MObject with the taskData.
Creating a static intersector and accessing that from the thread.

They all result in the same crash:

0   libFoundation.dylib           	0x000000010085fae7 TotSphereWalker<unsigned int>::findClosest(TotNode<unsigned int> const*, T3dFltPoint const&, double&, unsigned int const*&, bool, bool, bool) const + 1031
1   libFoundation.dylib           	0x000000010085fa21 TotSphereWalker<unsigned int>::findClosest(TotNode<unsigned int> const*, T3dFltPoint const&, double&, unsigned int const*&, bool, bool, bool) const + 833
2   libFoundation.dylib           	0x000000010085f7b4 TotSphereWalker<unsigned int>::findClosest(TotNode<unsigned int> const*, T3dFltPoint const&, double&, unsigned int const*&, bool, bool, bool) const + 212
3   libFoundation.dylib           	0x000000010085f8e4 TotSphereWalker<unsigned int>::findClosest(TotNode<unsigned int> const*, T3dFltPoint const&, double&, unsigned int const*&, bool, bool, bool) const + 516
4   libFoundation.dylib           	0x000000010085e847 TtriangleOctreeSphereWalker::findClosest(T3dFltPoint const&, unsigned int&, unsigned int&, float&, float&, double, double*, bool, bool, bool) const + 139
5   libPoly.dylib                 	0x0000000103461f52 TpolyIntersector::getClosestPoint(T3dDblPoint const&, TpointOnPoly&, double) const + 128
6   libOpenMaya.dylib             	0x000000011eec763b MMeshIntersector::getClosestPoint(MPoint const&, MPointOnMesh&, double) const + 153

I’ve done plenty of threading before, but never with the MMeshIntersector, so any directions as to how to go about it would be greatly appreciated!