Maya: missing plugins

Some of our artists use modeling plugins that the rest do not need. So their maya files are constantly throwing errors that there are nodes that require a missing plugin. Is there any way to determine what nodes require said plugin? Or would i need to take care of it on the machine with the proper plugin?

I think ls -type unknown will find them, but it’s hard to know what to DO with them.

No dice. A main one is DModelingTool. When loading the file it calls

requires “DModelingTool_2013_x64” “2008”;

Error: line 1: Plug-in, “DModelingTool_2013_x64”, was not found on MAYA_PLUG_IN_PATH.

Traceback (most recent call last):

File “<maya console>”, line 1, in <module>

RuntimeError: Plug-in, “DModelingTool_2013_x64”, was not found on MAYA_PLUG_IN_PATH.

the ls command doesn’t find anything unfortunately.

It doens’t seem to affect anything, but it has desensitized everyone when you see red show up.

Is it necessarily a node that is calling the plugin? Maya does write some require code to the headers for plugins it needs. There should be a way to clean this up.

so if they did use nodes or something the plugin required, saved the scene, then removed all of it, the file would still have the require call?

you ever find a satisfactory method for removing the requirements? I am in a similar situation where requirements are getting propagated to new files through Import/Referencing. The plugins are very old, nobody uses them anymore, but the requirements and errors on load are slowly polluting all of our files…

the only solution I know of is parsing the maya ascii files and stripping out the lines…

When all else fails, round trip to OBJ and back.

I wish I was kidding. It’s kind of amazing how Maya has got this wrong after 20 years.

satisfactory, no

You can do what theodox suggests, but you may lose some stuff. The only other way was to save the mb as ma, run a script on the ma files that removes the “requires” lines and then save them back as mb. If you only use ma, then you’re half way there :slight_smile:

I am looking into stripping the “requires” lines from the ma, however, python is adding
to every line, where the original file only had
This doesn’t appear to affect anything - maya will replace all the newline separators with
the next time the file is saved, but it is alarming that the file gets bigger after removing a couple of lines.