Is there a good way to grab any errors that an fbx export generates? Manually exporting with File --> Export Selected will update the log file and pop up a window with the errors. Is there a way to access that error info without querying the log file? Maybe that’s the way to go, but I’d rather just be handed the info on a silver platter.
I’m batch exporting, and want to format some output like:
exporting here: c:\awesome\folder\file.fbx
warning1: The plugin has detected mesh nodes with unsupported…
exporting here: c:\awesome\folder\file2.fbx
example warning/error:
Error: Unsupported Operation on Mesh Vertices
Description: The plug-in has detected mesh nodes with unsupported operators that affect the vertex and/or face count. To correct this, delete the Non-deformer history before exporting. The following nodes will not be processed: