Maya - fbx error logging

Is there a good way to grab any errors that an fbx export generates? Manually exporting with File --> Export Selected will update the log file and pop up a window with the errors. Is there a way to access that error info without querying the log file? Maybe that’s the way to go, but I’d rather just be handed the info on a silver platter.

I’m batch exporting, and want to format some output like:

exporting here: c:\awesome\folder\file.fbx
warning1: The plugin has detected mesh nodes with unsupported…

exporting here: c:\awesome\folder\file2.fbx

example warning/error:

Error: Unsupported Operation on Mesh Vertices
Description: The plug-in has detected mesh nodes with unsupported operators that affect the vertex and/or face count. To correct this, delete the Non-deformer history before exporting. The following nodes will not be processed:

Very rare for these old C-style API’s to be exposed that way.

Just make sure you delete the previous log before every export (and verify it got deleted), and then at the beginning of the export make sure the log isn’t there, then after export copy the log to a file matching your exported filename… Rinse and repeat.

Boring and stupid, but works…


Alrighty, I feared that would be it.
