[Maya] Can I change component colors (like mouseover) without using paint?

Is there a way of changing the color of vertices without using paint? I’d basically like to reproduce the viewport effect of selecting verts, but without having to actually have them selected (so that it will persist until removed). Is there a way to do that?

does cmds.hilite work for components? i dont have maya open right now to check

It doesn’t, unfortunately. At least not unless there’s some special syntax aside from cmds.hilite(‘pCube1.vtx[0]’)

You can use vertex colors - but they won’t be visible in wireframe view, only shaded. You could UV map to a ramp texture where the u or v coord corresponded to the degree of ‘selectedness’ but again, that won’t be visible in wireframe. If you were really ambitious you could use openGL to draw indicators on top of the original mesh but that’s a lot of work

Yeah, that’s what I was afraid of. Thanks though.