I have a renderLayer system for maya that i’ve written (got tired of the bugs), and am in need of a good way of picking attributes to override.
My ideal solution would be to add an item to the attribute editor context menu (similar to the built in renderlayers - “create override”). This seems to be hardcoded (or at least compiled), so doesn’t look do-able.
I currently have a list of attributes that the user can pick, but ultimately it’s a bit of a workflow killer. It’s really just a matter of finding a good UI for this.
Does anyone have any alternative strategies for choosing attributes on nodes?
Hi Chris, Just bumped into this topic and was wondering If you ever got a solution for this? From what I understand what you are trying to do is similar to what is described here, right? : http://nathanhorne.com/?p=283
I would love to hear if you ended up figuring out a solution for this!
Unfortunately, i haven’t found a solution for this. Nathan’s technique seems to be valid for the channel box - if you fire up QT and try and trace the events going on, you can see things happening, and that’s how he’s hooking into that menu.
Unfortunately, in the attribute editor, that doesn’t seem to be going on. i can’t see any QT events being fired before a popup menu is shown - certainly none that look like a context menu, anyway. Better minds than mine might be able to figure it out.
As i’m a noob at QT stuff, i’ve chucked it on the backburner and throw myself on the tender mercies of autodesk to one day, hopefully, provide some extensibility.