Maya Asset Containers > How To Set Multiple Selected Object Attributes In Channel Box

Hey guy!

So I’ve been digging into Asset Containers in Maya which helps lock and hide objects that animators don’t need to see. Everything was working out great until after creating my
character container I realized that I couldn’t set more than one selected object attribute at one time.

If you’ve selected two objects in the container and typed in a value in the Channel Box it would only set one of those objects.

So I’ve dug into it more an couldn’t find any posts on this subject, but I’ve found an alright work around.
Under the Channel Box click on the “Show” drop down menu.
Then go to Assets then check off “Show At Top”

This allows you to change your attributes globally to whats selected. Now this is not a build in attribute, but a Maya setting so I’ve created a script node that checks this
option off once the file opens.

import maya.cmds as cmds

cmds.scriptNode( n = ‘channelBox_containerAtTop_false’, st = 1, bs = ‘channelBox -e -containerAtTop 0 mainChannelBox;’ )

Hope this helps and if there is a better to avoid using the scriptNode please let me know!
