I’ve built an MPxNode in maya 2009 API, (based of maya 2009 devkit’s SplitUVNode), which takes an input mesh, modifies its UVs, and outputs an output mesh.
I have a float value which affects how the UVs are modified when I change it.
So in the channel box, when i set the float value, the meshes UVs are changed.
However, my problem is that this isn’t “live” - as in, the change happens ONLY when i release the mouse from the float slider in the AttributeEditor/ChannelBox. This is different from, say, a bend deformer on a mesh which you can drag the Curvature slider and see results in maya dynamically before releasing the mouse.
When i drag my slider, I can see that my node’s float value is changing and that my node’s Compute() method is firing as I drag. But I dont see any changes in the UV Editor (which DO happen when I release the mouse, or type a number into the floatField)
I’m fairly sure everything is done “properly” with regards to the API, i.e. setting up input/output attributes, my mesh and float attributes have attributeAffects on my outputMesh. A hugely simplified psuedo-code version of my compute() method is as follows:
if (plug == outMesh)
MDataHandle inputData = data.inputValue( inMesh, &status );
MDataHandle inputDataFloat = data.inputValue( floatScaler, &status );
MDataHandle outputData = data.outputValue( outMesh, &status );
// Copy the inMesh to the outMesh, and now you can
// perform operations in-place on the outMesh (from devkit code)
float scaler = inputDataFloat.asFloat();
MObject mesh = outputData.asMesh();
MFnMesh meshFn( mesh );
for uv in uvs:
# Do stuff with float scaler to modify uvs here. Details unimportant.Then set uvs:
Perhaps the UV Editor is not designed to refresh dynamically in this way? Any ideas?