Hi all!
My first post…before I was only active on CGTalk, but maybe this is a better place : ]
So, my question is as follows: the shadingEngine nodes have the dagSetMembers attribute.
When the attribute is connected, Mel tells it is typed and it is a TDataCompound ( its also a multi attribute ).
The source attributes for the dagSetMembers[i] are the instObjGroups[k]/intsObjGroups[k].objectGroups[m]
I wanted to create my own dagSetMembers attribute ( without being a multi, but that does not matter ).
This can be done by creating a typed attribute with MFnData::kAny. So far, all is fine. I can connect both
input attributes mentioned above.
But, how can I get the data out of the dagSetMembers attribute? The data is actually in the childs, so
I would have to get a handle to what is the childs of the instObjGroups[k]/intsObjGroups[k].objectGroups[m],
but in this case, it should be the childs of the dagSetMembers attribute which does not have these childs, of course.
So, is this possible at all or would I have to grab these values from the input node?
I could not find a function in MDataHandle/MPlug which helped me.
Initially, I tried my luck with the parent derived dagSetMembers attribute of a MPxObjectSet derived node,
but whatever I do, Maya crashes when I want to access data from that attribute.
It is even not present before I havent done an extra addAttribute( dagSetMembers ). For all other types
which are created by the parent ( like MPxTransform ), this was not neccessary…