Just looking for a bit of quick advice on a specific node.
I’m looking at creating a node that deforms two nurbs curves, both at the same time and relative to each others information. I’m new to the API, but have built some rough deformers that are working for me, so I have a very rough and sketchy understanding of the node architecture.
Any ideas if this type of action is best done in a deformer node, or a MPxNode node?
As I’m assuming that the deformer will run the action twice, once for each curve, each time it updates if it sits on both curves and uses them as standard input? Would this be the case? (I’d like to avoid having the deformer sitting on one of the curves, using the other input, if possible.)
If so, would it be better to create a custom mpxnode, which takes both the curves as input and does the deformations at the same time there?
Cheers for your time!