So if i’m reading this right, pymongo · PyPI, includes the compiled c extensions with the windows dists. However this is blowing up in maya due to, im assuming, the python compiler differences. I get a Runtime Library assert when trying to use pymongo in maya. If i delete the .pyd files in bson and pymongo, all is well. I can do this for the users, but i’m wondering if im missing something before i go down that path
Just from a quick scan of their github repo, it looks like you should be safe.
It looks like everything is basically pure python, and the compiled libraries are specifically in there as faster options.
ok, i’ll dig around a little more and see why those pyd files got there and why they were crashing
Also noticed on the installation page, they call out the C extensions as optional.
It looks like they only provide the precompiled versions for OS X and windows, probably because those platforms are mostly stable, and I can’t imagine a Linux/BSD/Unix build that doesn’t have a compiler (or you just download it form the distro’s package manager).
ok looking at the .egg, they do include the compiled extensions. I’ll just remove those as a post setup step.
Thanks rwhite
So because I’m a bit crazy, I went and ahead and compiled pymogno with VS2012, which should let them work with both Maya2015, and Maya2016. You can go ahead and download them from here. I built an egg, wheel, and a zip of the files depending on whatever is easiest.
Also tested it on Maya2016, don’t have 2015 in front of me, but everything else I’ve built has worked for both.
Thanks rwhite, I was going to do that, but the tools arent using this in any way that would require the c extensions
Eh, it was more to see how easy it would be. Plus it might get me to finally mess around with mongodb and see if it fits anywhere.
im using it for tool tracking and probably logging in the future. I checked out sentry, but felt it was overkill and didn’t think the interface suited my needs.
Thanks again, im sure i’ll use the wheels sometime soon