I want to access individual components of a matrix, and looking at the matrix dg nodes, I can’t find one that allows or that. Compose has component in, as does fourByFourMatrix, but most things pass out a matrix, not anything that I can grab components from. I would like to grab the x axis vector from a worldMatrix.
When doing things like this, do people write mel expressions? For ‘live’ rigging that uses vector math, the only options are dg nodes, api plugin that makes dg nodes, or mel expressions, correct?
I am just asking because someone wanted me to show some python code live in the DG and I’m having issues. Anyone know if someone has released some math utility DG nodes? Like holdMatrix says it caches and holds an initial matrix input, but it updates in certain circumstances (when even set to not evaluate), which makes it’s usefulness a bit dubious for that.