I can’t get any code using Maya’s MQtUtil and shiboken’s wrapInstance to work. Shiboken doesn’t seem to recognize MQtUtil’s pointers at all. It keeps giving me back a must be shiboken type error, even with supposedly working example code I’ve found online. Does anyone have a binary installer of PyQT I for Windows x64 I could use instead?
whats your code look like? Do you have a previously built version its trying to use instead?
Not that I know of. I discovered the issue after installing guren; it has some older builds of pyside for Maya 2012-2013.5, but I assumed those wouldn’t be used because of them being linked to older libs and stuff. But even the code example from here isn’t working, even when I change QtGui.QMainWindow to QtGui.QWidget or QtCore.QObject…
try the following:
import PySide
import shiboken
print PySide.__file__
print shiboken.__file__
These should show the Maya 2014 versions. If not, check your sys.path. Its possible the other libs are higher up in the list than the maya ones
I use the built in PySide everyday so you just need to narrow down what module is interfering with it.
Ah, so it was Fabric Engine’s Creation Platform that messed the paths up. Uninstalling that fixed the issue. Thanks!
Looks like that solved your problem, but I ran into this useful post on Jason Park’s site with some 2014 upgrade advice, including a section on PySide.