Maya 2014 native nodal quat slerp

Hi all,

I’m working (FINALLY) on a twisty spine setup in Maya 2014. I try to do as much as I can with standard nodes due to not always wanting to distribute proprietary code to outsource partners or freelancers.

I had a look at the quaternion nodes that come with 2014 and they seem to have everything I’d need except an actual slerp node. Which is ridiculous, seeing as the whole point of using quaternions is to slerp them.

Now, I wanted to check with people on here to make sure that one of the nodes in the quatnodes plugin isn’t capable of slerping-- is this user error / ignorance?

Please note I’m only looking to see if the node exists already. I can write one if I really need it, but my tests with nodal quaternion nlerp have been promising so far.
