I was hoping someone here could help me figure out if Maya 2013 is worth recompiling numpy, PIL and a short list of other Python modules I need to make Maya do what my art team is used to doing. The problem is that Maya 2013 uses a version of Python compiled with VS2010:mad:, while every Python module I’ve ever seen is compiled using VS2008.
My choices are:
Convince the art team that Maya 2012 is good enough
Convince an engineer to help me compile Python modules using VS2010
I’ve searched the internet for answers and modules to help me make this decision, but I’ve come down to these two options.
Any advice, comments or experience is welcome, thanks.
that pretty much sums it up. All of the modules and plugins we use we have recompiled against 2010. Some are painful, some arent Its not only python modules but maya plugins. They also need to be recompiled with the 2013 sdk and 2013.5 when it becomes more popular.
Its stupid, they didnt even go to 2.7 or anything significant. You just have to recompile to use your existing stuff and get no other benefits for your troubles.
Had to recompile PIL and cx_Oracle for Maya 2014 64 bit recently.
Wrote up the steps I went through on both. You can download the results at the bottom of each walk through.