Hello everyone,
I accidentally Posted this in AdministrativeQuestions > Suggestions, and Feedback, so if anyone knows and can share how to delete threads, I can remove it from there. Anyways …
I’ve been lurking for a little while but decided to ask a curious question. I couldn’t find the answer when I did a quick search.
What I’d like to do is select the faces of ObjA by the shape of ObjB in 3DS Max 2013.
How I thought about achieving this was to use RayMeshGirdIntersect to fire a ray from every vertex of ObjA to ObjB, record the index of faces that were intersected to theArray and then passing that array to setFaceSelection ObjA 1 theArray.
The trouble I have is that if I have two planes, one on top of the other, that look like and ObjA is denser then ObjB i get holes in my selection. So I decided to tessellate ObjB which increases the number of rays and faces hit but still has holes and the function runs pretty slow. Tessellating more would presumably fix the holes but not the time issue.
So I guess I have couple questions:
- Is there a better way to select the faces of ObjA from the shape of ObjB without actually changing the objects much.
- If rays are the way to go, is there a way to make operation run faster. Here’s a snippet of the maxscript code. Adding tessellation doubles the time on my machine.
start = timestamp()
ObjA = Plane pos:[0,0,0] length:200 width:200 lengthsegs:150 widthsegs:150
ObjB = Plane pos:[0,0,-50] length:100 width:100 lengthsegs:2 widthsegs:2
theArray = #()
convertTo ObjB editable_mesh
--tessellate if needed
--tm = Tessellate()
--tm.iterations = 3
--addModifier ObjB tm
rayGrid = RayMeshGridIntersect()
rayGrid.Initialize 1
rayGrid.addNode ObjA
vertCount = ObjB.numverts
for v = 1 to vertCount where (
pos = getVert ObjB v
dir = getNormal ObjB v
hitFaces = rayGrid.intersectRay pos dir true
(hitFaces > 0)) do (
join theArray (for h = 1 to hitFaces collect (rayGrid.getHitFace h))
--deleteModifier ObjB 1
ms = mesh_select()
addModifier ObjA ms
select ObjA
setFaceSelection ObjA 1 theArray
subObjectLevel = 4
end = timestamp()
format "Selecting the faces took % seconds
" ((end-start)/1000.0)
- The other idea I had was to possibly translate ObjB to ObjA until the intersect and then finding out what faces on ObjB were touching what faces on ObjA. But I couldn’t find a lot of info on actual face to face intersections.
Any insight would be greatly appreciated,