Is it possible to move the ‘set volume’ sub-object handles via Maxscript?
I`ve worked out how to move the control points but I also need to move the volume points too.
Is it possible to move the ‘set volume’ sub-object handles via Maxscript?
I`ve worked out how to move the control points but I also need to move the volume points too.
Hi Andy,
I’m also looking into this at the moment. I’ll report back as soon as I find something valuable!
It seems that the points (not specifically the “Set Volume” points) can only be moved once the control points have an assigned Sub-Anim controller. But once you do this, moving the “Set Volume” points also moves the Control Points, which of course defeats the purpose.
We know that we can move the “Set Volume” points before animating, just that we can only do this manually. Very strange. There has to be a way so I’ll keep looking.
AFAIK there is no way to do this. There is also no way to throw controllers on the WSM FFDs via command, unlike the modifiers where you can just fire off an animate command to put controllers on. We’ve asked for this to be fixed in numerous Autodesk meetings, but I dont know if it will be because FFDs were merged in and not developed by Autodesk themselves.