I have what appears to be a very simple “Attempt to access deleted scene object” error:
local myArray = #(), myArray2 = #() -- myArray is used in the function, myArray2 is used directly in the myTest2 spinner event handler expression
function myTestFn myFnArray myVal =
( -- if the array has 1 or more elements in it, delete them and then reset the array to #()
if myFnArray.count > 0 do
for a in myFnArray do delete a
myFnArray = #()
-- during each loop, create a default box and append it to the array
for a in 1 to myVal do
myBox = Box()
append myFnArray myBox
rollout testR "Test"
spinner myTest "Number:" type:#integer
on myTest changed val do
myTestFn myArray val -- call the function using myTest as the array and the spinner value as myVal
spinner myTest2 "Number:" type:#integer
-- do the same as above but without using a function
on myTest2 changed val do
if myArray2.count > 0 then
for a in myArray2 do delete a
myArray2 = #()
for a in 1 to val do
myBox = Box()
append myArray2 myBox
createDialog testR
What happens is that when I change the first spinner, myTest, more than twice I get a runtime error saying that I’m trying to access a delete scene node, but as you can see I’ve used the same code in the second spinner, myTest2, and everything works fine when it is changed.
I’m working on script which has quite a lot of repetitive code, so I really want to use functions.
Hopefully someone can help!