I am looking at how accessing shaders stuff via maxscript. I am working with simple standard material.
What I am looking to assess is the Shaded Lit colors into the falloff I have put into my diffuse. So far I have found how to access directly the diffuse color but not find how to go further, accessing any param I would have put into this diffuse, like my falloff for instance.
Could someone show me the way ?
So this one :
<Standard>.diffuseMap TextureMap default: undefined – alias for maps[1]
Get/Set the diffuse map.
Err, not a single example in the help to show how it works… So I need first to get somewhat the material assigned to my selected object whish will give me my <Standard> . and from that .diffuseMap will give me my falloff. Just guessing, trying soon. I feel like being blind in this help sometime, so few examples…