Not sure if doing this is a good idea or not but I skinned some thin tentacles using splines as bones. It works fine in Max, but will not export to Unreal using ActorX. Any thoughts?
not familiar with actorx for max, but it probably doesn’t handle max’s flexibility of being able to treat any object as a skin influence. you might have to attach some point or dummy helpers to cv’s on the spline and use those as the influences that get exported. just use the spline as the max-side rig.
ActorX doesn’t recognize max specific deformations…
Everything needs to be a bone type object. In max/actorX you can also use polygonal objects as bones, and these will work on export too.
Splines, point helpers, FFD, physique, won’t. (Correct me if I am wrong here, they keep adding functionality, and i can’t always keep up with it all the time)
I would do what Jeremy said, you can also try attaching the bones/dummies/spheres as motion path objects and adjusting the path percentage to get them where you need them along the spline.
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Thanks for the input. I figured I’d have to do what both of you suggested. Dummies (and Dummies do export as bones) distributed along, and path constrained to, the spline works, but it exports the mesh in the state of the last frame of the animation, and the animation runs backwards from it. Weird.
It also kinks the geometry a lot more than Max (Note: this may be a smoothing issue, I only just got it working the way you suggested, and then had to go do other things so I didn’t study it too closely, and Max may be smoothing it better). What I plan to try next is to use a clone of the tentacle as a bone. If it works better, I can try to optimize it some.
how many bones are we talking about here? i believe unreal doesn’t handle more than 4 bones per vertex, so if you have like 10 bones influencing a single vertex, you are going to end up with unexpected results in-engine.
Jeremy, nothing like that. In my test tentacle I used 10 bones on a 348 tri mesh, evenly distributed along, and path constrained to, the spline so as to try to mimic the easy setup, and smooth deformation that the spline as bone rig achieves.
And, I realized my idea of cloning a low res version of the tentacle as a bone won’t work, since I’d have to break it up into individual “bone” segments and that is more work than the path constrained bones.
Eh, it was fun to try, and your help is greatly appreciated. one of leaders among servers of free mail which also has set of other interesting services, for example love@майл.ру, news, a horoscope, a chat, a photo and others。
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