ManipExport void SimpleManipulator::GetLocalBoundBox
ManipExport void SimpleManipulator::GetWorldBoundBox

Why this two functions always return wrong number for me?
for GetLocalBoundBox Min() and Max() are always 0
in the return of GetWorldBoundBox ,min and max are always the same ?

void RingMenuTest::GenerateShapes(TimeValue t)
	Point3 Position(0,0,0);
	Matrix3 aTM;
	Interface *ip = GetCOREInterface();

	Box3 boundingBox;
	float length,size1,size2;
    ViewExp *ve = ip->GetActiveViewport();
	GetLocalBoundBox(t, GetINode(), ve, boundingBox );------here

boundingBox.Min() and boundingBox.Max() are always 0 point.

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worked, but still do not know why?

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void RingMenuTest::GenerateShapes(TimeValue t)
	Point3 Position(0,0,0);
	Matrix3 aTM;
	Interface *ip = GetCOREInterface();

	Box3 boundingBox;
	float length,size1,size2;
    ViewExp *ve = ip->GetActiveViewport();
	GetLocalBoundBox(t, GetINode(), ve, boundingBox );------here

boundingBox.Min() and boundingBox.Max() are always 0 point.[/QUOTE]

It depends on the difinition of GetLocalBoundBox in your class RingMenuTest.
You should implement this member function in your class.

The function with the same name in MaxSDK should be used as