[MAX] Centrally Managing MAXScript and Plug-in Paths

Hey all!

I’m super new to 3dsMax, so bear with me (been using Maya for the last 10 years!)…

With Maya, I can centrally manage the script and plugin paths by launching Maya with a small .bat file on the network that sets MAYA_SCRIPT_PATH and MAYA_PLUG_IN_PATH environment variables, then launches Maya. This works perfectly.

I’m wondering if there is an equivalent in 3dsMax? Can I create a 3dsmax.ini file with my paths and launch Max with that file via command line? How does that work with other user settings? Can I “include” my .ini in another?


This should give you a starter

for a different organizational approach, check out Paul Neal’s 2012 Auto-desk university class on Advanced Character tools

It’s not really about character tools per se, rather how to organize a set of tools in a manageable and expandable way.
You’ll need to sign up / in to view the materials…
the webcast video is crappy quality but the downloadable class material (some max script and a pdf) is gold.

The approach described is to have your tools organized by folders in your own arbitrary file structure,
and one ‘main tool’ script that looks for that path and grabs all the tools and methods.
this frees you form having to conform to any of Max’s default script locations for the majority of your tools.

Thanks a bunch fellas, I’ll check it out!