Hey All
I’m dipping my toe into the max c# api. I’m trying to access the values of a node’s basic transform sub anim tree but i’m running in to issues.
The code below is some simple code that should recurse the sub anim tree of a selected node (INode) and show a tree view representing the controller tree.
I want the tree to also show the current value of the sub anim, so i’m trying to access the ‘value’ via a parameter block (i gather from the docs that’s how they are stored and accessed).
However i am unable to access any parameter blocks. in the code below numberOfParamBlocks is always zero.
So i’m stumped on how to access the data. I’m not sure if i’m going about this all wrong?
/// <summary>
/// Recursive function that adds tree items for each sub anim and its values
/// </summary>
/// <param name="subAnim"></param>
/// <param name="fullList"></param>
/// <param name="treeParentItem"></param>
private void recurseSubAnims(IAnimatable subAnim, List<IAnimatable> fullList, TreeViewItem treeParentItem = null)
// create a tree node for the current sub anim
TreeViewItem treeItem = new TreeViewItem();
string saName = subAnim.ClassName.ToString();
treeItem.Header = saName;
// loop the child sub anims
for (int i = 0; i < subAnim.NumSubs; i++)
// current child sub anim
IAnimatable childSubAnim = subAnim.SubAnim(i) as IAnimatable;
if (childSubAnim != null)
// store the number of param blocks... for debugging
int numberOfParamBlocks = childSubAnim.NumParamBlocks; // ALWAYS 0!
// loop the parameter blocks to get acces to the data values..
for (int pb_i = 0; pb_i < numberOfParamBlocks; pb_i++)
// create an object variable for the unknown data type.
object val ;
// get the current param block
IIParamBlock2 pb = childSubAnim.GetParamBlock(pb_i);
// time variable for the getValue()
int time = (int)MaxUtils.maxIntr.Time;
// seems the getValue needs this...
Autodesk.Max.MaxSDK.AssetManagement.IAssetUser au = null;
// and also this...
IInterval ivalid = null;
// get the value.
pb.GetValue(1, MaxUtils.maxIntr.Time, au, ivalid, -1);
// add a tree item representing the value
TreeViewItem valTreeItem = new TreeViewItem();
// recurse
this.recurseSubAnims(childSubAnim, fullList, treeItem);
/// <summary>
/// Main populate method for the tree node
/// </summary>
/// <param name="node"></param>
public void populateTree( IINode node ){
// list that will be populated by reference
List<IAnimatable> fullList = new List<IAnimatable>();
// get a list of all selected nodes.
List<IINode> selectedNodes = MaxUtils.getSelectedNodes();
// loop the selected nodes
for (int i = 0; i < selectedNodes.Count; i++)
// variable to current Inode
IINode maxNode = selectedNodes[i];
// create a tree item
TreeViewItem nodeTreeItem = new TreeViewItem();
nodeTreeItem.Header = maxNode.Name;
// im just casting varibles so i can see them in debugging...
int numSubs = maxNode.NumSubs;
// loop the sub anims
for (int tr = 0; tr < numSubs; tr++)
// current sub anim
IAnimatable childSubAnim = maxNode.SubAnim(tr);
if (childSubAnim != null)
// kick off main recurse
this.recurseSubAnims(childSubAnim, fullList, nodeTreeItem);
Thanks for any help.