Max 2010

Has anyone looked in to this version yet? I have been reading some of the Autodesk snypits about it but thought i would ask you guys if you have messed with it.

I’ve messed about with it - it’s pretty solid. The modeling ribbon is nice, but I’d imagine truly serious modelers have a crazy custom setup or hotkeys already. For me, it’s nice to get away from scrolling up and down the modifier panel.

The MaxScript additions are pretty nice, and the new Quadify Mesh modifier is nice. We now have an Assert() function, and there’s another function to get the line number of the MaxScript source file that it’s being called from.

You can add scope to Structs now, they’ve added private and public members - pretty cool, especially if you’re used to C# and .Net – and on that note, they added a method to easily convert MaxScript values and DotNet values back and forth – and it supports arrays!!!

They added a cool mesh diagnostic utility called xView that will let you visualize mesh errors in the viewport, and best of all – you can write your own xView filters in MaxScript! I have big plans for that! They have a 4 part tutorial to show you how to do it; very happy about that.

They added Containers, which seem really nice - you can put part of your scene in a Container, and when you “Close” the container it externalizes the data, and someone else can use it. It seems to overlap the XRef functionality a lot, but it seems slicker.

They have a new alternative to MultiRes called ProOptimizer. I haven’t taken it through it’s paces yet, but another TA here has, and he says it’s pretty nice. It has some special settings to preserve vertex colors, but he experienced some instability when doing that.

Lots of new Particle Flow stuff - if that’s your thing, you’ll be happy. I haven’t gotten into it yet, so I can’t say how awesome or not it is.

That’s about all I can think of off the top of my head - I haven’t had time to really test Containers yet, and there’s a handful of other things they added that I can’t remember right now. It was a pretty good update, IMO.


Well that all sounds promising.

Error line numbers will certainly make things a bit easier. Hope fully the containers will avoid the bloating caused in 2008 with large file referencing.

We will be getting our copies late today\ tomorrow cant wait to dig in there and see whats happening.

I was optimistic until I tried out the viewport canvas tool.

Create a box, collapse it to an editable mesh, stick a material on it, assign a bitmap to the diffuse slot but don’t actually pick a bitmap. Paint on the surface and then right click to finish the stroke and crash. It takes out the viewports on my machine.

Turns out it’s a max script. There’s also a ton of globals at the top which seems “un-necessary” :):

[QUOTE=Noakesy;3006]I was optimistic until I tried out the viewport canvas tool.

Create a box, collapse it to an editable mesh, stick a material on it, assign a bitmap to the diffuse slot but don’t actually pick a bitmap. Paint on the surface and then right click to finish the stroke and crash. It takes out the viewports on my machine.

Turns out it’s a max script. There’s also a ton of globals at the top which seems “un-necessary” :):[/QUOTE]

Sounds like a nice feature! :nod:


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