MaterialX: An Open Standard for NetworkBased CG Object Looks

What are your thoughts about materialX.
It has gone throu a lot of work the past year. Is it in use outside of ILM.?

Autodesks ShaderX is now meged into the master.

Autodesk did also a whitepaper for the Arnold shader.

New videos from this years Siggraph.

The slides are here.

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Interview with Jonathan Stone & Doug Smythe the brains behind MaterialX.

Looks like the Substance Team is first with a creation graph for materialX.
The plugin should be available this week for Substance Designer.

at 47min
and at 1h 16min

The Substance Designer Plugin is now ready to download.

Here a getting started Tutorial.

First Slides from the ASWF Talks are online.

Talk form Open Sourve Days 2020

Slides from SIGGRAPH 2020 Course: Physically Based Shading in Theory and Practice.

Some more in Detail stuff from MaterialX.

The new Lama Shaders in Renderman 24 are MaterialX compatible.

MaterialX is now part of the Academy Software Foundation! I hope this will speed up the adoption in Studios and DCC solutions.

Dont miss the Open Source Days Talk about MaterialX

Slides are online.

I noted some more MaterialX talks at Siggraph. I’d be really interested to hear from people who have first-hand experience with the shading node translation graphs. Anybody have a list of gotchas or surpises?

I fear MaterialX isnt used outside of the big houses. Cause there are no authoring tools beside Substance Designer.
Houdini and Maya dont have a MaterialX graph creation tool in the current version.
I assume we see something in Spring 2022.

The video fom OpenSource Days is online.

MaterialX is now part of the Academy Software Foundation.

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There is some movement on the Houdini side and MatX.

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Some good infos about MaterialX from Zap Andersson.
Starting at 19min.