Looking for a job in the LA area

Hey guys, does anyone know of any openings in the LA area? I’m a Technical Artist with a little over 4 years experience. I’ve worked on 5 AAA shipped game titles, so I’d much prefer to stay in that industry, though I am open to more.

My website can be found here: www.leotolentino.com

Spark Unlimited, Sony Santa Monica, Naughty Dog, and i think EALA are all looking for tech artists.


hey Leo if you are still looking for work in LA we have a Sr Character TA position open at SONY Santa Monica. You can email me directly. ynedelin@gmail.com


It is really advisable to start looking for a good job that suit on you and you can use internet or web for your advantage.

hmm, internet or web ha?:laugh:

one but not both

Choose wisely.

You take the blue pill, the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill, you stay in Wonderland, and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes.

Why are you guys so freakin mean to the spambot? He/she/it is just trying to help or otherwise deliver whatever pointless message he/she/its creator coded it to deliver…jerks.

spambot chose… poorly