Looking for a content team member

I want to catapult TAO into 2009, and that means jumping on the social networking bandwagon. Ideally someone who’d be involved in working together on some interesting concepts and doing some programming, including interfacing with social networking sites. This would be an excellent opportunity for students who are wondering what in the world they are going to show in their portfolio.

Benefits include being a bigshot in the tech art community and never having to worry about finding a job in the future because everybody who’s everybody knows you and thinks you did something great even though you sort of just started a site and made some ugly graphics and pay for some hosting while everyone else does the work.

This seems like a good opportunity for me, though I’d need a lil bit more information regarding the subject. Since i’m relatively new here, I don’t know what TAO means :stuck_out_tongue: is it tech-artists.org? (The letters match) ^_^, and if yes then I guess it’s about revamping the homepage yes?

Your giving away the secrets Rob, ha!
Lone, Yes TAO is tech artists online.

Okay cool =]

I could help with some art and visual stuff.

I could certainly offer some help with Flash AS3 and Silverlight 3 aswell. Though I’ll need a quick refresher on both of them. Looks through my mage library of books. Can’t do anything server sided though.

Hey Rob, sounds like it could be fun to extend that Tech Art community. Though it’s already pretty awesome as is. I’d be happy to help out where ever you need it. Art/Programming/Networking/all of the above. Do you have specific ideas on where you want to go with TAO? I’ve got a good bit of time right now to help, and will have plenty more in the summer when my semester ends.

Think a TAO iPhone app is in order :slight_smile:

[QUOTE=ShadowM8;5750]Think a TAO iPhone app is in order :)[/QUOTE]

Don’t forget Android aswell :slight_smile:

I would love to help aswell, but that would be later this year after my internship has ended