Logging Control Menu broken in 2014

Hey Folks,

I just started using the Logging control GUI in Maya 2014. I put the line of code in my usersetup.mel in order to get it working and it displays in the menu bar. Now my problem is whenever I click on the Logging menu bar I get this error:

Error: RuntimeError: file C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2014\Python\lib\site-packages\pymel\internal\pmcmds.py line 134: Option box items must be inserted after valid menu items.

I’m not sure what this is referring to and if this isn’t a bug. The tutorial I got this from was in Maya 2011 and 2012

This is the set of commands I used to initialize it.

//Logger GUI
python(“from pymel.tools import loggingControl;”);

Whenever I put a logger debug stop in a script I’m working on it just doesn’t register in the GUI like it says it should.

_logger.debug("verts = %s" % verts)
_logger.debug("tfms = %s" % tfms)

I tried doing a search for this in the docs but didn’t find anything on it. Maybe I was looking in the wrong place or this is an extra tool

Any help would be immensely appreciated

Thanks so much

I had to make 2 small changes to loggingControl.py to get it working. Hopefully it works for you to.

line 54:

subMenu.postMenuCommand(pymel.Callback(self.buildSubMenu, parent=subMenu, logger=item))
subMenu.setPostMenuCommand(pymel.Callback(self.buildSubMenu, parent=subMenu, logger=item))

line 65:

pymel.menuItem(l="Remove", p=parent, ob=True, c=pymel.Callback(logger.removeHandler, item))
pymel.menuItem(l="Remove", p=levelsMenu, ob=True, c=pymel.Callback(logger.removeHandler, item))