So i’m creating a batch tool to export animations for face controls and import them onto a new rig (boo bad rig referencing pipeline!)
I’m using the Load/Save Animations tool, and have scripted the whole thing out, but when i run the script it doesn’t work the same way as it does when doing a single animation. I could write a tool that just does one animation at a time, but that would still mean i’d be doing a lot that the script can handle.
Has any one come across this problem before? is there a way around it?
here’s the relevant code:
select $*_CTRL
local xCtrls = (selection as array)
local xFile = xafs[xIndex]
loadsaveAnimation.loadAnimation xFile xCtrls relative:true usemapfile:true mapfilename:"C:\\Animation\\_AnimXferMap.xmm"
I run that with a loop for each file in one array, match the same named .xaf file and load it in. the problem is that every time i run the script, it won’t recognize the map file i specify, so i end up having to tell it to map a certain way for each file, which is less effective.
[QUOTE=I,Davis;10012]I’m using the Load/Save Animations tool[/QUOTE]
This isn’t sarcastic. Just don’t use that piece of crap system. It’d be easier to write your own. I tried for weeks to make it do what I wanted, and it was a constant struggle for every time I wanted to do something new or different. That animation save/load seems deceptively useful. It isn’t.
Like Rob said, you would be better off writing your own because this system is pretty horrible to work with. That being said I was able to get your code to do what you described. I ran a batch with a single map file as well as multiple different map files.
Maybe double check to make sure xaf and xmm paths are correct.
I m making a simple applescript just to get used to it and was trying to figure out the applescript for the spinning loading animation. Can anyone give it to me? I’m trying to put it in a dialog box.