I led a four person TA team for a few years, and during that period we did light-weight buddy checks but did not adhere to any formal styling. When I looked at a piece of code I could see immediately who wrote it because of the difference in the way it was written (sometimes subtle and sometimes not so).
This meant that every individual was very comfortable writing code- because they all write the way they are used to writing. But it also meant that when someone was away on holiday for a couple of weeks (or leave) and you have to debug something, you’re suddenly having to work through code that feels unfamiliar. Even worse, you end up with files part written in camel case, part written in underscores etc. Everything becomes a tangled web of uncleanliness. That never happens if you’re the only TA, but as soon as your working in a team, or working in a studio that shares code with other studios it becomes a nightmare very quickly. The ‘man, next project lets re-write all this’ scenario quickly comes about.
After leading the TA team I switched over to leading a Build team for just over a year with the task of re-writing a python based build system. At first it was the same thing - we all wrote to our own style, but quickly realised how painful it was become when working heavily in shared modules etc. We collectively enforced a pep8 styling mandate - and it was painful for the first month as we were all adjusting our personal styles to match it. But it was the best decision we made!
Once we were all singing to the same style all our code looked exactly the same regardless of who wrote it. Debugging became far easier, extending and adjusting modules became a breeze - and ultimately it meant our code reviews were focused on the functionality because we were not constantly dealing with the overhead of understanding style in order to understand functionality. Therefore, indirectly our code base became more stable and robust too.
Hold in there, switching a coding style can be hard at first, but eventually it becomes natural and you will think nothing of it - but its a great thing to have a team all working to the same style and the benefits are huge - there is a reason the majority of engineering teams (both in games, software, film etc) adhere to coding standards and testing methodologies.
The thing to remember is that adopting a coding standard is about the team and production rather than the individual. Having to re-style a whole module because you need to change a variable is no bad thing - that technical debt has to be paid somewhere by someone, therefore you’re being part of the solution, relish it.
Give a month and you wont consciously be writing in the style of pep8 - it will just be happening. The studio behaviour you describe strikes me as extremely mature and well driven. Regardless of the style or standards that are adopted, having all contributors writing in the same way is a very good thing.
Crikey… that very quickly became a wall of text…