my first post here so hello all.long time reader.
i need some help in a script or maybe some simple mel question.
i use a little toolbox(nmToolbox) that i drop icons there with the command.
here a example
ctxEditMode;snapMode -point true;
this turn activate change pivot, and snap to point in 1 click. fast way for me to snap fast the pivot to poit in 1 click.
the problem is that i needed another click in another icon with
ctxEditMode;snapMode -point false;
my question is can i combine both in just one icon someting like a press/release hotkey.
what i want is
ctxEditMode;snapMode -point true;
click again same icon
ctxEditMode;snapMode -point false;
any easy solution?
many thxs in advance.
hey mate try making a shelf button with this python code, and it should do the job for you.
import maya.cmds as cmds
if cmds.snapMode(q=True, point=True):
also are you aware of the V and the d key shortcuts in maya, holding d lets you edit the object orgin, and holding v enables vertex snapping.
passerby many thanks for both tips, the script is exactly what i want now with python( “import sys;sys.version_info” ); it can go in my toolbox without problem.
the hotkey, they new for me, at least the d key i always used insert key, and not much produtivity. d and v is great . as i undestand the python code you givei can adapt to other commands .
many thxs again
best regards
ps:actualy i dont know how to use it with python( “import sys;sys.version_info” ); i used it in the past to use python in mel as nmToolbox cant use python , maybe i need to save the code you give me in script folder.
anyway i just need to get used to the hotkeys they great.
i only put it in python becuase that is the syntax and language i am most familar with, the exact same thing can be done via mel
if (`snapMode -q -point`)
snapMode -point false;
snapMode -point true;
this is just the basics of programming just a if else statement to create a simple toggle, works exactly the same way with just some syntax changes in pretty much every language known to man.
many thxs again as i use wacom tablet clicks are ok for me .
global proc pivotinsert()
if (snapMode -q -point
snapMode -point false;
snapMode -point true;
i just made it a script ;p so i can use it in frotools(by froyok) too.
this code will help me a lot .
good night and glad you help
ya you should take some time to learn one of maya’s languages, since what i did was pretty simple just a “if else” statement than most maya commands got a -q argument for querying values instead of setting them.
snapMode -point (!`snapMode -q -point`);