List vertex connections?

Havent posted here much, but thought Id try to ask this,

Is there a way to list relatives, components or something alike that I can do on a vertex, to get the influence number from the skinclusteres affecting it?

Cheers guys :slight_smile:


To get the skinCluster, you can try using listHistory. From the skinCluster you can start querying weights and such with the skinCluster/skinPercent commands - I think. There are lots of ways to query it - but that’s one of them!

for skin cluster from vert:
from maya import cmds, mel
selectedObjects =,fl=True)
mesh = selectedObjects[0].split(‘.’)[0]
skincluster = mel.eval(‘findRelatedSkinCluster("’ + mesh + ‘");’)
print skincluster

i created a skinning tool which uses a lot of these operations if you want to have a look check it out right here: