Learing from the TAO mxs_lib


I have recently started a job which returns me to maxscript and
so I remembered that there was some structs for mxs and perforce.
They were some very useful functions that unfortunately I now
cannot find :frowning:

this thread

contained this link but unfortunately it 404`d

and the only link to perforce I can find gives me a permissions error

Have they been removed? or am i just completely missing the links somewhere?
If they are still around could, could they post a link please?


Hmmm, good question! Unfortunately the TAO hg repos have been taken offline- they were built when GitHub et al were just getting started, it was a completely coincidental attempt to host something like that here. Who’d have thought that other people could do it better? :stuck_out_tongue:

Anyway, I just looked around and cannot find a copy of the scripts. It’s possible I have it on an old HDD but can’t easily look (all SATA and I only have a laptop)… For the P4 structs, I’d recommend just using a .NET P4 library and calling it through MXS. For other stuff, I know there’s some code on the wiki.

If you REALLY wanted to reach, you could ask someone I worked with at Bioware Austin to send you the fn_*.ms MXS code I wrote since the original checkins were copied from the code I open sourced. I suspect you’d have luck re-implementing it yourself, though (and remember, use .NET libraries instead of having to write all your own MXS code!).

Noooooooooooooooooooo :frowning:

ah well will give me time to re/learn maxscript

I havent done any .net`ing in max but have touched c# a bit in Unity, could you elaborate a little please about using .Net libs in max?


Looks like HG really wasn’t kind to crawlers. This is the only remnant I could find - it isn’t the p4ops script library, but someone else may find this XML one useful:

mxs_xmlops: http://web.archive.org/web/20110830082641/http://tech-artists.org/hg/tao_official/mxs_xmlops/file/e84724890cef/fn_xmlOps.ms

Good find Jason!
d.b: There is a lot of examples on the site, CGSociety, and community scripts. I’d rather not go too far into it here (and actually that xmlOps.ms file contains .NET code used from MXS).

thats fair enough Rob, i have been reading up on the subject just need to get my hands dirty with it now,

JasonB, defo good find on that, im dealing with xml at the moment so shall be reading into that alot, Thanks!

if anyone else has some of the tao libs it might be nice to post them here to see if they can all be saved :smiley:
