Just for fun, some creative coding

Greetings all!

So as some of you might have read, I’ve been doing alot of work recently in the area of data visualization, and one of the exercises I’ve just finished was visualizing simple periodic functions, in this case sin and cos. I got the inspiration from a piece Memo Akten did called “Simple Harmonic Motion Study #5d”:

Simple Harmonic Motion Study #5d on Vimeo

I took a few weeks and did some different visualizations of my own using pygame and came up with some fun results. Thought i’d toss it out to the community at large and see if anyone else wants to try their hand at some simple creative coding. I’ve uploaded all the sources from my experiment to my Github, swing by, grab em, fork it, come up with some of your own craziness:

sine-vis repository on GitHub - Current work is in the /sinusoid/ folder (but feel free to fork and add to any of the other folders :D)

I felt that this was somewhat relevant to tech art because so much of what tech art tends to be past a certain point (at least in my experience) has to do with management of data. You could think of this exercise as another way of managing data towards a different end. Anyway, have fun (or not), you might be surprised with what you come up with from simple data points…