Jaw Rigging

Hey guys ,

Here is a character that I have been rigging. It was decided to add a jaw bone but for some reason whenever I try and assign any weighting to the bone it goes all weird and stretches, as you can see in the pic. I have tried collapsing the stack and starting again but that makes it so that the envelopes etc dont line up and you end up getting a crazy effect on the rest of the character, although the jaw seems to work when that happens :s


Any help or suggestions on this would be greatly appreciated, thanks for reading :slight_smile:

Just taking a guess, it looks like it is defaulting to the origin 0,0,0 which may mean for the vertices you are trying to influence, they are not assigned to anything. You may just have to correctly select and assign them to the newly added bone. Let me know if that helps, just going off the picture and description I’m not certain I’m addressing the question completely. :slight_smile: