Issues with Slerp function in 3ds Max

Im running into a bug while trying to create a pose store tool in 3ds max. For some reason when i peform the slerp function on a rotation from one transform to the next it will occasionally add an extra 360 rotation.
I have a video showing how it happens here . The password is slerp

This is a bit of code I wrote years ago to do just this. The function you are potentially looking for is the quatSlerp

fn quatDotProduct quatDotA quatDotB =
	quatDotA.w*quatDotB.w + quatDotA.x*quatDotB.x + quatDotA.y*quatDotB.y + quatDotA.z*quatDotB.z

fn quatMultiply theMultiplier theQuat =
	local returnQuat = (quat 0 0 0 1)
	returnQuat.w = theMultiplier * theQuat.w
	returnQuat.x = theMultiplier * theQuat.x
	returnQuat.y = theMultiplier * theQuat.y
	returnQuat.z = theMultiplier * theQuat.z
	return returnQuat

fn quatAdd quatAddA quatAddB =
	local returnQuat = (quat 0 0 0 1)
	returnQuat.w = quatAddA.w + quatAddB.w
	returnQuat.x = quatAddA.x + quatAddB.x
	returnQuat.y = quatAddA.y + quatAddB.y
	returnQuat.z = quatAddA.z + quatAddB.z
	return returnQuat

fn quatSubtract quatAddA quatAddB =
	local returnQuat = (quat 0 0 0 1)
	returnQuat.w = quatAddA.w - quatAddB.w
	returnQuat.x = quatAddA.x - quatAddB.x
	returnQuat.y = quatAddA.y - quatAddB.y
	returnQuat.z = quatAddA.z - quatAddB.z
	return returnQuat

fn quatSlerp quatA quatB ratio =
	local quat1 = (quat 0 0 0 1) --declare as quats
	local quat2 = (quat 0 0 0 1)
	local ca = (quatDotProduct quatA quatB )
	if ca < 0.0 then
		ca = -ca
		quat1.w = -quatA.w
		quat1.x = -quatA.x
		quat1.y = -quatA.y
		quat1.z = -quatA.z
		quat1 = copy quatA
	if ((1.0 - ca) > 0.00000012) then --smallest maxscript number?
		angle = acos(ca)
		sa = sin(angle)
		s1 = sin((1.0 - ratio) * angle) / sa
		s2 = sin(ratio * angle) / sa
		s1 = 1.0 - ratio
		s2 = ratio
	quat1 = (quatMultiply s1 quat1)
	quat2 = (quatMultiply s2 quatB)
	return (quatAdd quat1 quat2)

--returns a number in 0.0 to 1.0 representing how similar the two quaternions are. "Identity-tude"
--1.0 is identical, and 0.0 is exactly opposite (180 degrees off on one axis for example)
--Honestly I don't know how kosher this methodology is...
--The two quatslerps herein are used to "normalize" the quaternions.
fn quatDelta quatA quatB =
	quatDotProduct (quatslerp quatA (quat 0 0 0 1) 0.0) (quatslerp quatB (quat 0 0 0 1) 0.0)

Thanks this fixed my problem.

fn quatAdd quatAddA quatAddB =
	local returnQuat = (quat 0 0 0 1)
	returnQuat.w = quatAddA.w + quatAddB.w
	returnQuat.x = quatAddA.x + quatAddB.x
	returnQuat.y = quatAddA.y + quatAddB.y
	returnQuat.z = quatAddA.z + quatAddB.z
	return returnQuat

Um, what is this code supposed to do?