Issue connecting to manager with a monitor opened

Hello world,

I’m currently writing a tool that automates GI baking, dependencies and stuff with vray for my company.

I’m using the NetRender interface to connect to the manager, then the connect() method, the usual way :

m = NetRender.GetManager()
m.connect #manual "manager_name" platform:#64 port:3234

But, if I want the tool to work, I have to raise a popup specifying the user to close its Render Queue Monitor, because the monitor already has a connection with the manager, 3dsmax throws an error.

** system exception **

Which, as en exception, is not very verbose.

I only use the connection to manager to get the server list, for the jobs I use HiddenDosCommand and 3dsmaxcmd.exe, correcting this bug would be the “cerise sur le gâteau”

Is there a way to deal with that ?


Hi there,

Which version of max are you using? I’ve written a similiar tool for max2010(sp1) and connecting to the manager with

m = NetRender.GetManager()
m.connect #manual “manager_name” platform:#64 port:3234

with an active queue monitor open poses no problems. We’re using Mental Ray though so I’m not sure if that makes any difference.