Is pygame a useful module other than for game dev?

I’ve been looking over the pygame module and it has some nice features, but I mainly want to use it for scripting tools for asset management and modification, not game development.

Is it fast enough and have enough worthwhile functionality to be useful as part of the day-to-day scripting arsenal, or is it just better to write more focused modules with pyOpenGL/PIL etc. and steer clear?

Basically if it has functionality that is useful, reusable and extendible i’d rather do that.

I have very little experience with pygame, but regarding speed, generally your bottlenecks are User input, algorithmic complexity, and having moved to a scripting language. If you’re already in python, I’d just do whatever you need to do to save your time and reduce bugs. If you are worried about the dependency on pygame, then wrap it in your own asset manipulation module with a public interface that you feel comfortable will meet you needs. That way, if you need to, you can “tablecloth” yourself and replace the whole thing underneath your tools and they’ll never know the difference.

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