hi guys,
I am trying to write a auto rigging tool here, and I’d like to change the axis order of the bones based on the parts they belong to. But I can not find any where that allow me to do that, any idea?
any input is appreciated in advance, thanks
to query an object’s axis order…
to set it…
$yourobjectname.rotation.controller.axisorder = 6
the number corresponds to the item number in the axis order dropdown…
xyz = 1
xzy = 2
yzx = 3
yxz = 4 and so on.
yes it works, thanks steev !
print $.rotation.controller.axisorder
for s in selection do (
axOrder = (in coordsys local s.rotation.controller.axisorder)
* print axOrder
if (axOrder != 2) then (
in coordsys local s.rotation.controller.axisorder = 2
) else (
print "correct orientation already established."
Change 2 in the above snippet to match the indexed orders listed below.
1 - XYZ
2 - XZY
3 - YZX
4 - YXZ
5 - ZXY
6 - ZYX
7 - XYX
8 - YZY
9 - ZXZ
Oops, just realized steev already answered. Ok time for bed.